Sunflowers 2003-2004

I could show you only 4 photos for the results of 2 years photo stock because flower condition in 2003 and weather condition in 2004 were very bad. In 2003, my holiday was too early for sunflower blooming and there were many buds instead of flowers. In 2004 flower condition was almost best but we had a big typhoon in the day I visited the sunflower field.

This is a work in 2003. I took a flower in a silhouette in the red sky of the dawn. If I took a photo in a normal way, there were many buds instead of flowers. This is a work in 2004. Because of rain by typhoon, there were many water drops on the flowers. This composition is very common, so I utilize dual exposure soft effect to make a common photo a bit interesting.
This was taken with Fujichrome fortia, the new film debut in July 2004. The film gives very extreme color rendering and sunflowers reddish yellow becomes unusual lemon yellow in normal photo taking. I use dual exposure here again to reduce extreme color characteristics of fortia but still very different from other photos. Now you will be convinced by this photo that I had a big typhoon in the day! Feel storm!